With spring comes spring cleaning. Have you ever wondered about the origins of spring cleaning?

 Spring cleaning dates back to the days when homes were heated by wood and lit by lanterns that left layers of soot on every surface. With the arrival of spring, so did the time to open up the windows and doors for fresh air, pull out the rugs and bedding to beat away the dust, and scrub the floors and windows until they shined.

 Today, we think of spring cleaning as an opportunity to declutter and give everything in our homes a deep clean.  

There are many options in the market to help us clean and wash as the seasons change and we move into spring. Thinking of laundry alone, there are the popular commercial brands tomore serious green options, soap berries and detergents that claim to be toxic-free or gentle on the environment. Have you ever considered a cleaning system that is 100% chemical-free and safe (not just gentle) for the environment?

Aqueous ozone is a powerful, natural cleaning agent.

It is effective in cleaning and removing odours. In fact, it is 200 times more effective than conventional cleaners, plus gentler than any commercial detergent. A 2009 study in the UK comparing detergents to aqueous ozone was so successful that the Queen Elizabeth II hospital in UK installed the aqueous ozone laundering systems for the hospital’s cleaning needs.

What is Aqueous Ozone?

Aqueous ozone is a solution created by infusing ozone gas into water. Ozone is a naturally occurring molecule that is a potent oxidiser, capable of breaking down contaminants and eliminating odours, and a highly effective disinfectant.

What can aqueous ozone be used for?

Hotel, medical, food industries and even childcare centres already use aqueous ozone for cleaning. It can be used for any type of cleaning from washing laundry, carpets and furniture, bathrooms and kitchens, human and pet beddings, practically anything you can think of.


Discover chemical-free cleaning today.

By incorporating aqueous ozone into your cleaning routine, you can achieve a higher level of cleanliness, sanitation, and odour-free cleaning while helping to sustain our earth for the future.

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